Part 7-4 (2020; Edition 2.1)

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ID Subject Cat Status Page Clause Paragraph Created Last Comment Proposer
1932 DO Str in required for FXOT and FXUT Discussion (red) 84 <<abstract>> LN: Threshold Name: Threshold Table 19 – Data objects of ThresholdLN 18 Jul 24 24 Jul 24 C. CAMELIS
1929 LCCH - ChLiv/RedChLiv Discussion (red) 129 6.3.4 Table 46 31 May 24 25 Jul 24 T. Windler
1923 Correct the wording of SPDC.PaDschAlm description Approval (Editoral) 308 6.14.8 1 23 Apr 24 23 Apr 24 H. Dawidczak
1922 Change descrption of SPDC.AppPaDsch Approval (Editoral) 308 6.14.8 1 23 Apr 24 23 Apr 24 H. Dawidczak
1921 Improve description of SPDC.AcuPaDsch Approval (Editoral) 308 6.14.8 1 23 Apr 24 23 Apr 24 H. Dawidczak
1920 Wrong description of SPDC.BndWid Approval (Editoral) 308 6.14.8 1 23 Apr 24 23 Apr 24 H. Dawidczak
1917 Incorrect use of "Attribute" vs Object Approval (Editoral) 379 7.1 Table 209 10 Apr 24 11 Apr 24 R. Hughes
1915 Wrong description of SPDC.UhfPaDsch Approval (Editoral) 308 6.14.8 1 09 Apr 24 09 Apr 24 H. Dawidczak
1911 Add release="4" to IEC_61850-7-4_2007B4.nsd Approval (N/A) IEC_61850-7-4_2007B4.nsd file line 22 line 22 05 Apr 24 11 Apr 24 T. Łata
1908 Typo "TRNT" Approval (Editoral) 410 J.2 Use case 5e 26 Mar 24 31 Mar 24 M. Häcker
1906 "operation" vs. "operating" Approval (Editoral) 112 Table 37 19 Feb 24 16 Apr 24 M. Häcker
1892 Remove TapOpStop from ATCC Accepted 140 6.4.5 Table 55 06 Nov 23 24 Nov 23 A. Winterer
1891 Using "behaviour" (BE) instead of "behavior" (AE) Editorial 480 of INF K.2.3.2 and following various 09 Oct 23 12 Dec 23 M. Häcker
1883 Added more precise qualifications to TmSrcTyp Solution Accepted 135 6.3.8 Table50 31 Jul 23 21 Dec 23 F. REN
1866 Change of description text "float" to "floating point" Editorial 133 of INF 6.3.9 Table 51 21 Mar 23 12 Dec 23 M. Häcker
1859 Description discrepancy LTMS between Source and Channels Solution Accepted 131 6.3.8 Table 50 10 Mar 23 08 Jan 24 T. Dufaure
1856 Semantic of PMRI.StrInhTmm Solution Accepted 236 6.11.11 Table 112 09 Dec 22 21 Dec 23 M. Häcker
1846 The definition of LTMS.TmSrc is different in the actual AMD1 and Consolidated Version Solution Accepted Page 131 (Consolidated) 6.3.8 Table 50 10 Oct 22 21 Dec 23 H. Falk
1845 SwModKey seems to overwrite the CheckCondition.interlockCheck Discussion (red) Table 45, 61 6.3.3 6.3.3 14 Sep 22 29 Feb 24 T. Dufaure
1844 Implementation of SumSwARs in 3-phase circuit breaker inaccurate Future Improvement 342 6.16.2 LN: Circuit breaker Table 184 12 Sep 22 11 Oct 22 J. Seebandt
1838 LNGroupS looks more like for processing/automation functions Triage 175 6.7.3 1 09 Aug 22   A. Ivanov
1836 Update of NxtStrTm for time-driven schedules Solution Accepted 576 K.2.6.2 K.2.6.2 22 Jul 22 21 Dec 23 J. Brandt
1825 Permission mode for control/setting of a scheduled entity from a client Future Improvement 479 Annex K All paragraphs in Annex K 01 May 22 11 Oct 22 T. Otani
1821 PTDV StrVal DO description Editorial 248 6.11.19 Table 120 31 Mar 22 11 Oct 22 M. Tausa
1819 Dependancy of LPHD.Sim to LLN0.Beh Solution Accepted 454 Annex A 1 26 Mar 22 27 Oct 23 C. Bloch
1806 Typo in section 5.2 reg. PresCond (nds/ds) Editorial 40 5.2 7 26 Jan 22 11 Oct 22 H. Dawidczak
1804 When e.g. LocSta = false, result of command to switch DO Mod with "station-control" not clear. Future Improvement 457 Annex B - 22 Dec 21 11 Oct 22 D. Schmidt
1803 Mechanical Blocking of 3 way switches Future Improvement nA nA nA 06 Dec 21 11 Oct 22 C. Brunner
1802 Equipment Problem with CB Operating mechanism Future Improvement 306 6.14.7 Table 157 06 Dec 21 25 Oct 22 C. Brunner
1797 SwModKey dependency of CSWI from LLN0 Future Improvement 420 7.1 Data semantics Table 209 21 Oct 21 11 Oct 22 E. San Telmo
1796 LPHD.PwrSupAlm as Omulti Future Improvement 125 6.3.2 LN: Physical device LN Name: LPHD Table 44 – Data objects of LPHD 21 Oct 21 11 Oct 22 E. San Telmo
1793 Behaviour of output contacts when LN is in blocked mode Discussion (red) 397 Annex A Table A.1 28 Sep 21 07 Feb 24 M. Häcker
1790 Exposing Configured Variants in SCL Not Applicable 21 6.906.3 Various 02 Sep 21 11 Oct 22 D. Tessier
1789 SCBR - Coilxxx-Data-Objects shall be Omulti Future Improvement 299 6.4.13 Table 153 27 Aug 21 06 Dec 21 D. Schmidt
1778 Dominance of LLN0.Loc value "local" Discussion (red) 126 of INF document 6.3.3 Table 45 08 Jun 21 27 Sep 23 M. Häcker
1775 IREG-B should be IRIG-B Editorial 135 6.3.8 Table 50 08 May 21 26 Sep 23 F. REN
1770 Enumeration TransientPerformanceClassKind In Force (green) 450 7.2.54 and 6.15.4 table 262 and 166 17 Mar 21 30 Nov 22 H. Dawidczak
1769 When beh=On, result of command with test=true not clear In Force (green) 454 Annex A 2 16 Mar 21 30 Nov 22 K. Leggett
1767 Different presence condition of LN TCTR in amd2.1 and consolidated version Duplicate 264/319 6.15.4 2 15 Mar 21 08 Apr 21 H. Dawidczak
1766 RSYN Rel mandatory? Solution Accepted 294 6.13.12 Table 151 05 Mar 21 08 Jan 24 B. Muschlitz
1760 OMulti for MMET data objects Future Improvement 210 6.10.10 Table 97 25 Feb 21 03 Jun 21 N. Etherden
1756 Event driven schedules – Extend description Future Improvement 482 K.2.4 Second bullet list 16 Feb 21 11 Oct 22 J. Brandt
1755 Event driven schedules – Add DO to stop schedule by event Future Improvement 169/482 6.6.9 Table 70 Table 70 16 Feb 21 11 Oct 22 J. Brandt
1754 Event driven schedules - Type of InSyn missing Future Improvement 169 6.6.9 Table 70 DO InSyn inTable 70 12 Feb 21 11 Oct 22 J. Brandt
1748 Arrays of CDC Future Improvement 282 12.13.8 FltDiskm 20 Jan 21 15 Feb 21 I. Dorofeev
1744 Clarification of Start Times in StrTm.setCal Future Improvement 481 K.2 K2.4 17 Dec 20 11 Oct 22 H. Dawidczak
1741 LGOS/LSVS - Become Top Level Logical Nodes Not Applicable 63 6.1 Logical Node Classes - General Figure 3 01 Dec 20 07 Oct 21 D. Tessier
1732 Missing Presence Conditions 'MONamPlt' in amd 2.1 of part 7-4 Editorial 407 Annex I Table I.1 05 Nov 20 15 Feb 21 H. Dawidczak
1731 Presence Conditions 'MONamPlt' and 'MOlnNs' have the same definition Not Applicable 28 5.6 Table 3 03 Nov 20 15 Feb 21 A. Ivanov
1726 Enumeration ClockSyncKind of LTMS.TmSyn is not correct In Force (green) 433 in CSV 7.2.11 Table 219 21 Oct 20 30 Nov 22 H. Dawidczak
1724 Principles of the Local / Remote concept Future Improvement 400 Annex B Annex B 14 Oct 20 12 Feb 21 M. Häcker
1722 ClcNxtTmms common data class In Force (green) 67 Table 6 06 Oct 20 30 Nov 22 M. Pazik
1721 Power factor related data objects in LN MMXU In Force (green) 215 (consolidated version) 6.10.14 table 101 22 Sep 20 30 Nov 22 H. Dawidczak
1718 RFLO LN, extension In Force (green) 234 6.13.8 Table 147 15 Sep 20 30 Nov 22 H. Gruber
1706 Missing LN for Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) Future Improvement 344 6.16.3 XFUS 29 Jul 20 27 Oct 20 K. Hansen
1705 LN's for modelling the non 61850 Master and slave devices Not Applicable N/A N/A N/A 17 Jul 20 27 Oct 20 B. M.B
1701 New DO required for routable GOOSE and SMV service tracking Ballot Period 133 6.3.9 6.3.9 19 Jun 20 22 Jan 24 C. CAMELIS
1698 AnOut in GAPC Future Improvement 174 6.7.2 Table 74 11 Jun 20 13 Jul 20 B. M.B
1693 Root Node Mode and Behavior Duplicate 430 Figure 44 Note: 28 Apr 20 28 Nov 23 B. M.B
1691 Contradictory statement for Mod.stVal Future Improvement 454 Annex A first 28 Apr 20 17 Jun 20 B. M.B
1689 Attribut Namespace name wrong Editorial 5 1.2 2 24 Mar 20 17 Jun 20 H. Dawidczak
1682 ITCI.Alm description text Editorial 184 6.8.5 Table 81 11 Mar 20 13 Apr 21 M. Häcker


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