1731   Presence Conditions 'MONamPlt' and 'MOlnNs' have the same definition

Created: 03 Nov 2020

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 7-4 (2020; Edition 2.1)

Links: #1732 Missing Presence Conditions 'MONamPlt' in amd 2.1 of part 7-4

Page: 28

Clause: 5.6

Paragraph: Table 3


Presence Conditions 'MONamPlt' and 'MOlnNs' have the same definition. Is it correct?


If it is correct, explain please what for we should have two the same Presence Conditions, but with different names?

Discussion Created Status
Agreed not applicable 15 Feb 21 Not Applicable
Set links to 1732. 15 Feb 21 Approval (N/A)
Presence condition MONamPlt is used in part 7-4, while MOlnNs is used in part 7-3.

But there is an editorial error in the amendment 2.1 of part 7-4 (informative annex I), where presence condition MONamPlt is missing. In CSV version, annex I is correct.
Table "presence conditions" is normative in part 7-2, where it is correct.
03 Nov 20 Approval (Editoral)


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