Approval (Editoral)

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Part 7-2 (2020; Edition 2.1)

ID Subject Cat Status Page Clause Paragraph Created Last Comment Proposer
1926 Mention reservation in Figure 35 Approval (Editoral) 115 of INF Figure 35 15 May 24 21 May 24 M. Häcker
1925 Mismatch between clauses and Approval (Editoral) 78 entire clause 15 May 24 21 May 24 M. Häcker
1916 Basic Types reference error Approval (Editoral) 80 12.6.5 Fig 20 10 Apr 24 23 Apr 24 R. Hughes
1904 Typo in the description text of ReasonCode: "TrRef" Approval (Editoral) 127 of INF 17.3.4 Table 82 24 Jan 24 13 Feb 24 M. Häcker

Part 7-3 (2020; Edition 2.1)

1900 Online change of scaled value configuration Approval (Editoral) 20 6.2 6.2 12 Dec 23 12 Dec 23 C. Brunner
1889 sunMag replace instMag but instMag is optional in data model Approval (Editoral) 32 7.2.4 Table 16 19 Sep 23 21 Dec 23 H. Qin

Part 7-4 (2020; Edition 2.1)

1923 Correct the wording of SPDC.PaDschAlm description Approval (Editoral) 308 6.14.8 1 23 Apr 24 23 Apr 24 H. Dawidczak
1922 Change descrption of SPDC.AppPaDsch Approval (Editoral) 308 6.14.8 1 23 Apr 24 23 Apr 24 H. Dawidczak
1921 Improve description of SPDC.AcuPaDsch Approval (Editoral) 308 6.14.8 1 23 Apr 24 23 Apr 24 H. Dawidczak
1920 Wrong description of SPDC.BndWid Approval (Editoral) 308 6.14.8 1 23 Apr 24 23 Apr 24 H. Dawidczak
1917 Incorrect use of "Attribute" vs Object Approval (Editoral) 379 7.1 Table 209 10 Apr 24 11 Apr 24 R. Hughes
1915 Wrong description of SPDC.UhfPaDsch Approval (Editoral) 308 6.14.8 1 09 Apr 24 09 Apr 24 H. Dawidczak
1908 Typo "TRNT" Approval (Editoral) 410 J.2 Use case 5e 26 Mar 24 31 Mar 24 M. Häcker
1906 "operation" vs. "operating" Approval (Editoral) 112 Table 37 19 Feb 24 16 Apr 24 M. Häcker

Part 9-2 (2020; Edition 2.1)

1936 Typo 'SmpSync' instead of 'SmpSynch' Approval (Editoral) 14 9 Table ?? and Note 2 11 Sep 24 13 Sep 24 M. Häcker

Part 8-1 (2020; Edition 2.1)

1903 Purpose of gwAddr component in PhyComAddr for UDP/IP Approval (Editoral) 66 Table 40 23 Jan 24 21 May 24 T. Dufaure

Part 7-1 (2020; Edition 2.1)

1909 Clarification on changing mode and behaviour based on hierarchy Approval (Editoral) 75 8.2.5 2 02 Apr 24 02 Apr 24 K. Leggett
1875 Introduction text to LGOS/LSVS state machine diagrams Approval (Editoral) 63 of INF 7.8.2 last paragraph on this page 22 Jun 23 12 Dec 23 M. Häcker

Part 5 (2022)

1918 Unreferenced Tables in Part 5 Ed2.1 Approval (Editoral) 76 11.3.1 to 11.3.6 several 18 Apr 24 16 Jun 24 R. Hughes


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