Solution Accepted

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Part 9-2 (2020; Edition 2.1)

ID Subject Cat Status Page Clause Paragraph Created Last Comment Proposer
1720 Type and size of Length field value (TLV) encoding in SV Solution Accepted 16 5.4 3 18 Sep 20 20 Mar 24 G. Pregrad
1692 SynchSrcID support mandatory for devices that support IEC 61850-9-3 Solution Accepted 23 9 9 28 Apr 20 20 Mar 24 T. Dufaure

Part 6 (2019; Edition 2.1)

1885 sAddr length Solution Accepted 126 1 22 Aug 23 22 Apr 24 J. Greene
1818 Clarification of ExtRef attributes usage Solution Accepted 108 9.3.13 Table 51 26 Mar 22 22 Apr 24 C. Bloch


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