1903   Purpose of gwAddr component in PhyComAddr for UDP/IP

Created: 23 Jan 2024

Status: Approval (Editoral)

Part: Part 8-1 (2020; Edition 2.1)


Page: 66


Paragraph: Table 40


It is unclear what is the usage of the gwAddr component in the context of routable protocol addressing.
Clause 25.3.3 does not define a gateway parameter in the UDP/IP SCL addressing, and a ip gateway configuration is not necessary to send to an ip multicast address.


Deprecate the usage of the gwAddr attribute in the PhyComAddr.

Discussion Created Status
No objection - move tissue to editorial

Deprecate the usage of the gwAddr attribute in the PhyComAddr structure, as there is no need for a first hop gateway address in the context of Routable GOOSE/SV communication.
The value shall be set to the NULL string, i.e. a string with a length 0.
21 May 24 Approval (Editoral)


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