1889   sunMag replace instMag but instMag is optional in data model

Created: 19 Sep 2023

Status: Approval (Editoral)

Part: Part 7-3 (2020; Edition 2.1)


Page: 32

Clause: 7.2.4

Paragraph: Table 16


Table 16 says "for MV set: instMag to value from subMag."
From Table 30 attributes of MV - instMag is optional.

Does device have to model instMag if the substitute is supported?

Or instMag can still be optional and invisible to the communication? In this way, only Mag which may not be changed can be seen in communication?

the same for CMV - instCVal is optional


can you please clarify

Discussion Created Status
Set to Approval Editorial since no further discussion

Add the following clarification to Table 30: add to the explanation of instMag:
Instantaneous value of the magnitude (exposes measured or substituted value)
21 Dec 23 Approval (Editoral)
Move to discussion 12 Dec 23 Discussion (red)
Add the following clarification to Table 30: add to the explanation of instMag:
Instantaneous value of the magnitude (exposes measured or substituted value)
12 Dec 23 Accepted
Table 30 - Attributes of MV
instMag = Instantaneous value of the magnitude.

NOTE 'instMag' is optional from the
perspective of the visibility of that value
to the communication.
In Table 16 it should say:
for MV set: Instantaneous value of the magnitude (of the application) to value from 'subMag'

instMag is NOT settable at all!

Maybe we add some text in the definition:
instMag = Instantaneous value of the magnitude (exposes measured or substituted value).

The next edition may add some clarification.
19 Sep 23 Triage
instMag always exists as an internal value but Table 30 states that the internal value does not need to be exposed in the data model.
instMag is used, for example, to update mag when the deadband is exceeded.

I do not know where this concept is explained in the 61850 series but if it does not exist then it should be added.

No technical change to the standard is needed.
19 Sep 23 Triage


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