Part 7-2 (2020; Edition 2.1)

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ID Subject Cat Status Page Clause Paragraph Created Last Comment Proposer
1944 Attribute type of SmpRate is not sufficient for TW application Triage 141 19.2.2 MSVCB class definition 21 Oct 24 21 Oct 24 C. GHAFARI
1926 Mention reservation in Figure 35 Approval (Editoral) 115 of INF Figure 35 15 May 24 21 May 24 M. Häcker
1925 Mismatch between clauses and Approval (Editoral) 78 entire clause 15 May 24 21 May 24 M. Häcker
1924 SBOES procedure for BSC Approval (N/A) 159 20.3.3 Procedure 07 May 24 21 May 24 M. Nguyen
1916 Basic Types reference error Approval (Editoral) 80 12.6.5 Fig 20 10 Apr 24 23 Apr 24 R. Hughes
1910 IED shall not send GOOSE when NdsCom=T Approval (N/A) 132 18.2.1 Table 87 04 Apr 24 18 Jul 24 R. Schimmel
1904 Typo in the description text of ReasonCode: "TrRef" Approval (Editoral) 127 of INF 17.3.4 Table 82 24 Jan 24 13 Feb 24 M. Häcker
1897 Data-change and data-update inclusion bitstring bits set in a report Conformance Test Preparation 53 Reason for inclusion in reports (ReasonForInclusio 28 Nov 23 27 Aug 24 P. Syvaluoma
1896 detailQual failure should be more explicit Approval (N/A) 200 Annex D Clarification on usage of quality Table D.1 27 Nov 23 13 Feb 24 F. REN
1882 Network Name (Name Character rules ) Conflict between Micro soft Windows Network Name & IEC61850 Cl Not Applicable 134 2 1 27 Jul 23 28 Nov 23 P. Kesireddy
1869 AddCause when INC control value is out-of-range Not Applicable 50 Table 21 14 Apr 23 28 Nov 23 R. Schimmel
1868 Remote host IP for RCB Not Applicable 93 (Ed. 2.0) Table 37 06 Apr 23 28 Nov 23 A. Muhamad Sufian
1847 Typo "ActiveSG" Editorial 96 of INF 16.3.7 Table 69 11 Oct 22 22 Nov 22 M. Häcker
1841 reset 'stSeld' in 'Unselected' state Editorial 155 20.2.3 figure 42 19 Aug 22 11 Oct 22 A. Ivanov
1822 Functional constraint object non-volatility ambiguous Must Implement 29 5.7 Table 4 04 Apr 22 28 Aug 24 B. Muschlitz
1820 ConfRev update conditions Future Improvement 132 18.2.1 Table 87 26 Mar 22 11 Oct 22 C. Bloch
1801 Typo in "GetEditSGValue" and "SetEditSGValue" Editorial 31 5.7 Table 4 03 Dec 21 09 Feb 22 M. Häcker
1782 Clarification of when to ignore the check bits Must Implement 165 of INF 20.5.2 Table 110 22 Jul 21 28 Aug 24 M. Häcker
1781 Typo 'LCB.IntPd' Editorial 127 of INF 17.3.4 Table 82 22 Jul 21 06 Dec 21 M. Häcker
1758 Allow implicit RCB reservation if SCl-configured (revert to pre-Amd1 behaviour) Not Applicable 108 3 24 Feb 21 20 Jul 21 B. Muschlitz
1747 Incorrect Attribute type of TrgOp Future Improvement 75 12.3.2 Table 51 20 Jan 21 13 Sep 22 A. Ivanov
1742 ACSI Client Abort and Release requirements in conformance table Editorial 179 A.4 A.3 rows S3-2 and S4-1 10 Dec 20 20 Jul 21 B. Muschlitz
1735 Control Cancel support is mandatory if SBO or SBOw supported Editorial 179 A.4 S53 11 Nov 20 25 Nov 20 B. Muschlitz
1719 Service ID in ACSI conformance statement Editorial 115 A.4 Table A.3 17 Sep 20 03 Nov 20 M. Häcker
1707 Integrity will be buffered In Force (green) 99, 103, 118 17.2.1,, 17 03 Aug 20 30 Nov 22 D. Sorokin
1703 Cancel for a Select in SBOns Editorial 155, 156 20.2.3 Figure 42 02 Jul 20 13 Jul 20 M. Häcker
1702 Limit LTRK to one instance on a server In Force (green) 86 14.1 14. 19 Jun 20 30 Nov 22 C. CAMELIS
1697 status texts Editorial Figure 40, 42, 43, 44 20.2 Control 05 Jun 20 16 Nov 20 M. Häcker
1696 Blocked/Test-blocked does not impact CSWI->XCBR interface In Force (green) 152-162 20 Figure 40-44 05 Jun 20 30 Nov 22 T. Dufaure
1681 LActTm representation is not actual In Force (green) 72 16.1 Table 61 06 Mar 20 30 Nov 22 D. Khomutov
1679 GoEna behavior at startup In Force (green) 132 & 136 18.2.1 & 18.2.3 Table 87 & 94 03 Mar 20 30 Nov 22 C. CAMELIS
1677 multiple Figures Editorial Figure E.1 to E8 Annex E.2 Annex E 02 Mar 20 24 Sep 20 T. Dufaure
1676 multiple Figures Editorial Figure 40, 42, 43, 44 20.2 Control 02 Mar 20 16 Nov 20 T. Dufaure


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