1719   Service ID in ACSI conformance statement

Created: 17 Sep 2020

Status: Editorial

Part: Part 7-2 (2020; Edition 2.1)


Page: 115

Clause: A.4

Paragraph: Table A.3


Clause 8 services are given ID which are identical with ID of other services.


Renaming of the IDs of clause 8

from to
S21 => S2-1
S22 => S2-2
S31 => S3-1
S32 => S3-2
S41 => S4-1
S42 => S4-2

Discussion Created Status
Accepted Editorial 03 Nov 20 Editorial
Move to editorial- will be corrected in the next revision.
PICS conformant to this revision of the standard may use either S21 or S2-1 notation.

S21 - Associate-Request becomes S2-1
S22 - Associate-Response becomes S2-2
S31 - Abort-Request becomes S3-1
S32 - Abort-Processing becomes S3-2
S41 - Release-Request becomes S4-1
S42 - Release-Response becomes S4-2
28 Oct 20 Approval (Editoral)
I agree with this editorial improval - easy to achieve in a future release of 7-2.

S21 - Associate-Request becomes S2-1
S22 - Associate-Response becomes S2-2
S31 - Abort-Request becomes S3-1
S32 - Abort-Processing becomes S3-2
S41 - Release-Request becomes S4-1
S42 - Release-Response becomes S4-2
21 Sep 20 Triage


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