Part 7-1 (2020; Edition 2.1)

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ID Subject Cat Status Page Clause Paragraph Created Last Comment Proposer
1934 Subscriber with beh=on receives GOOSE with q.test=true, then subscriber changes to test mode. Drafting Implementation 60 7.3 4 06 Aug 24 15 Oct 24 K. Leggett
1909 Clarification on changing mode and behaviour based on hierarchy Approval (Editoral) 75 8.2.5 2 02 Apr 24 02 Apr 24 K. Leggett
1875 Introduction text to LGOS/LSVS state machine diagrams Approval (Editoral) 63 of INF 7.8.2 last paragraph on this page 22 Jun 23 12 Dec 23 M. Häcker
1858 Usage of Beh test/blocked when performing protection tests Editorial 62, 66 7.7.3, 7.8.4 7 06 Jan 23 12 Dec 23 T. Dufaure
1857 Concept of smpRate for input analogue signal acquisition is misleading Editorial 40 20 Dec 22 12 Dec 23 T. Dufaure
1830 multiple AccessPoints in case of proxy functionality Not Applicable 72 8.2.3 Gateways and proxies Figure 47 12 Jul 22 28 Nov 23 M. Schicklgruber
1828 Clarification on GOOSE/SV supervision with simulated message Must Implement 63-64 7.8.2 Second paragraph and figures 02 Jun 22 27 Aug 24 C. CAMELIS
1810 Discrepancy between INF and Amd.1 documents Editorial 12 7.8.2 last 18 Feb 22 11 Oct 22 M. Häcker
1809 Location of SGCB in LD structures Editorial 76 of INF 8.2.5 last 09 Feb 22 11 Oct 22 M. Häcker
1800 Typo in "GetEditSGValue" and "SetEditSGValue" Editorial 78 of INF 9.2 Table 5 03 Dec 21 09 Feb 22 M. Häcker
1792 Mandatory Support of LGOS/LSVS Not Applicable 54 4 23 Sep 21 09 Feb 22 D. Tessier
1784 Typos "v alImport" and "v alKind" Editorial 143 and 144 of INF G.1 and G.2 Figures G.1 and G.2 28 Jul 21 09 Feb 22 M. Häcker
1776 Figure number is incorrect Not Applicable 64 7.8.2 Figure 80 19 May 21 09 Feb 22 F. REN
1765 IED can only have one basic namesapce Conformance Test Verification 113 13.5.1 1 04 Mar 21 15 Oct 24 J. Greene
1752 Inconsistency in LPHD requirements Must Implement ~70 8.2.3 7 02 Feb 21 27 Aug 24 J. Greene
1728 Definitions on LocSta Future Improvement 36 of Ed2A1_INF 23 Oct 20 12 Dec 23 M. Häcker


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