1752   Inconsistency in LPHD requirements

Created: 02 Feb 2021

Status: Must Implement

Part: Part 7-1 (2020; Edition 2.1)


Page: ~70

Clause: 8.2.3

Paragraph: 7


Logical devices that do not mirror logical devices of other physical devices shall provide a LPHD that represents the physical device on which they reside. In Figure 49, this logical device is PXY_GTW_LD1, which shall be implemented to represent the information about the proxy/gateway itself. The logical nodes LLN0 and LPHD of this logical device shall represent information about the proxy/gateway device. The logical device may also contain domain specific logical nodes

First sentence is inconsistent and in correct. For example 8.2.1 says:
The logical node physical device (LPHD) represents common data of the physical device hosting the logical device. LLN0 shall be defined in every logical device while LPHD shall be defined in at least one logical device.


Change shall to may:

Logical devices that do not mirror logical devices of other physical devices may provide a LPHD that represents the physical device on which they reside.

As the LPHD represents the physical device, if there is more than one instance the data must be consistent in all.

Discussion Created Status
57/2445/INF 27 Aug 24 Must Implement
No Comments 19 Dec 23 Solution Accepted
Test plan changes are correct. 21 Nov 23 Ballot Period

31 Oct 23 Conformance Test Verification
No objection, proceed to next state. 09 Jun 23 Conformance Test Preparation
Change shall to may:
First sentence is inconsistent and in correct in 8.2.1:
The logical node physical device (LPHD) represents common data of the physical device hosting the logical device. LLN0 shall be defined in every logical device while LPHD may be defined in at least one logical device.

Logical devices that do not mirror logical devices of other physical devices may provide a LPHD that represents the physical device on which they reside.

As the LPHD represents the physical device, if there is more than one instance the data must be consistent in all. However, the LNodeType (members) can vary.
02 May 23 Analysis Of Compatibility


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