Part 8-1 (2020; Edition 2.1)

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ID Subject Cat Status Page Clause Paragraph Created Last Comment Proposer
1927 Multiplicity of PDUs within Payload for Routable Session in unclear Discussion (red) 208 J. and Fig J.2 Fig J.2 21 May 24 16 Jul 24 T. Dufaure
1903 Purpose of gwAddr component in PhyComAddr for UDP/IP Approval (Editoral) 66 Table 40 23 Jan 24 21 May 24 T. Dufaure
1895 Typo "SDPU" Editorial 120 J.3.2.3 Headline 21 Nov 23 12 Dec 23 M. Häcker
1890 Clarification of Table B.1 recommended multicast range assignments Not Applicable 178 Annex B Table B.1 25 Sep 23 28 Nov 23 J. Anderson
1884 Missing column in table C.1 Editorial 184 Annex C C.2.4 10 Aug 23 12 Dec 23 E. Egorov
1873 Setting Group chapter differs between amendment and consolidated Editorial 88 16.1 1 07 Jun 23 12 Dec 23 B. Muschlitz
1855 sboClass Val in SCL example Editorial 198 Annex G SCL example 01 Dec 22 12 Dec 23 S. Lemay
1826 NSD Code Component for 8-1 Editorial 7 1.3 3 09 May 22 11 Oct 22 M. Schicklgruber
1814 Editorial improvement Editorial 167 of INF 25.3.2 last 14 Mar 22 11 Oct 22 M. Häcker
1779 MAC address IC hash algorithm should apply to reciever side Editorial 161 Annex B 2 30 Jun 21 11 Oct 22 A. Aganichev
1753 Select.response+ Solution Accepted 121 20.5.2 and 20.504 Table 97 08 Feb 21 21 Nov 23 B. Muschlitz
1739 Contradictory optionality of GOOSE_PDU goID Editorial 161 (consolidated) A.1 IECGoosePDU 18 Nov 20 12 Dec 23 B. Muschlitz
1738 GOOSE PDU cannot require unique source MAC address Editorial 173 C.2.1 1 17 Nov 20 06 Dec 21 J. Greene
1712 Class of traffic SCL not in line with part 6 Not Applicable 168 25.3.3 Table 164 20 Aug 20 28 Nov 23 M. Pazik
1709 MMS services for Select ACSI services Not Applicable 58 20.3 Table 94 07 Aug 20 06 Dec 21 M. Häcker
1704 TimeQuality.TimeAccuracy calculation Not Applicable 27 6 14 Jul 20 06 Dec 21 B. Muschlitz
1694 Associate service refusal based upon ServiceSupportedCalling Not Applicable 62 1 19 May 20 06 Dec 21 B. Muschlitz


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