1826 NSD Code Component for 8-1
Created: 09 May 2022
Status: Editorial
Part: Part 8-1 (2020; Edition 2.1)
Page: 7
Clause: 1.3
Paragraph: 3
The link for downloading the light version of this code component is:
http://www.iec.ch/tc57/supportdocuments/IEC 61850-8-1.NSD.2003A2.light.zip
When we look into the zip-file, to the file "ApplicableServiceNS.AppNS", than yo can see that under section
<ServiceNsUsage id="IEC 61850-8-1" version="2003" revision="A" release="2">
<AppliesTo id="IEC 61850-7-3" version="2007" revision="B" release="3"/>
<AppliesTo id="IEC 61850-7-3" version="2007" revision="A" release="2"/>
the reference to the used version for Services.
2007B3 and 2007A2 are the obsolete previous version of the amandment 1
Update the NSD-File for 8-1 with these additional lines:
<ServiceNsUsage id="IEC 61850-8-1" version="2003" revision="A" release="2">
<AppliesTo id="IEC 61850-7-3" version="2007" revision="B" release="4"/>
<AppliesTo id="IEC 61850-7-3" version="2007" revision="B" release="3"/>
<AppliesTo id="IEC 61850-7-3" version="2007" revision="A" release="3"/>
<AppliesTo id="IEC 61850-7-3" version="2007" revision="A" release="2"/>
or change 2007B3 -> 2007B4 and 2007A2 -> 2007A3
<ServiceNsUsage id="IEC 61850-8-1" version="2003" revision="A" release="2">
<AppliesTo id="IEC 61850-7-3" version="2007" revision="B" release="4"/>
<AppliesTo id="IEC 61850-7-3" version="2007" revision="A" release="3"/>
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