1814   Editorial improvement

Created: 14 Mar 2022

Status: Editorial

Part: Part 8-1 (2020; Edition 2.1)


Page: 167 of INF

Clause: 25.3.2

Paragraph: last


The first sentence of this paragraph appears to be mistyped.
In the last sentence of this paragraph the word "Impementations" has a typo.


Propose to change the first sentence to "Configurations compliant with previous versions of the standard may not contain ..." (= 3 modifications).

Change "Impementations" to "Implementations".

Propose to arrange this last sentence as an extra paragraph in the clause, as MAC-Address is not related to MinTime/MaxTime.

Discussion Created Status
Approve 11 Oct 22 Editorial
I agree with the editorial comment. 03 Aug 22 Approval (Editoral)


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