Part 8-2 (2018)

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ID Subject Cat Status Page Clause Paragraph Created Last Comment Proposer
1737 ASN1 structure Accepted 77 Figure 46 12.3.1 16 Nov 20 07 Nov 23 T. COSTE
1736 ASN1 Structure Accepted 78 Figure 31 12.3.1 16 Nov 20 07 Nov 23 T. COSTE
1733 Structure ASN1 Accepted 56 Table 19 8.4 10 Nov 20 07 Nov 23 T. COSTE
1667 E2E security with clear transfer Accepted 252 Annex A.2.2.2 13 Sep 19 07 Nov 23 M. Pazik
1666 Is use of E2E security mandatory Not Applicable 252 Annex A.2.2.2 Table A.1 13 Sep 19 17 Sep 19 M. Pazik
1665 XSD GetVariableAccessResponse/TypeSpecification Not Applicable 242 Annex G.3 30 Aug 19 11 Sep 19 M. Breuers
1664 Figure 37 – XML structure of GetDataDirectory-Request Must Implement 83 13.4.1 30 Aug 19 28 Aug 24 M. Breuers
1663 extended behavior Not Applicable 69 11.3 29 Aug 19 11 Sep 19 M. Breuers
1662 Associate Response Must Implement 63 29 Aug 19 28 Aug 24 M. Breuers


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