Part 7-410 (2012; Edition 2, Hydro Power)

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ID Subject Cat Status Page Clause Paragraph Created Last Comment Proposer
1939 ds presence condition for Omulti objects is not correct Triage All DOs with presence condition Omulti All DOs with presence condition Omulti All DOs with presence condition Omulti 15 Oct 24   T. Dufaure
1700 LN XFFL Triage 48 5.12.2 1 18 Jun 20 21 Oct 20 A. Ivanov
1680 LN EUNT Triage 8 5.13.6 Description of LN ESTU 05 Mar 20   A. Ivanov
1670 Turbine type TrbTyp enum value Pump-turbine is defined inconsistent Triage 30 5.6.26 HTUR settings 31 Jan 20 03 Feb 20 M. Ofner


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