1943   Missing DO in LN PSCH

Created: 21 Oct 2024

Status: Triage

Part: Part 7-4 (2020; Edition 2.1)


Page: 221

Clause: 6.11.16

Paragraph: LN: Protection scheme Name: PSCH


The DO DurTmms (ING) is a setting allowing to configure the minimum duration of carrier signal 'TxPrm' sent by the communication based scheme.

However, if the user wants to use another protection scheme like blocking (DO TxBlk) or direct trip (DO TxTr), then it is not possible to configure the minimum duration of the related carrier signal as it is the case for DO TxPrm.


Extends the existing DO DurTmms to all type of carrier signals, not only TxPrm.

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