This is a request for information on a problem I found with version 1, I could not find another way to put this request in. The problems I'm looking at might be applicable to version 2 as well but I did not check it.
The AC_SCAV condition vor attribute inclusion is not clear.
The presence of the configuration data attribute depends on the presence of i and f of the Analog Value of the data attribute to which this configuration attribute relates. ...
It is used in a limited number of cases.
- Measured Value (MV), 7.4.2
- Complex measured value (CMV), 7.4.3 (twice)
- Sampled value (SAV), 7.4.4
- Collectable analog set point information (APC), 7.6.2
- Analogue Setting (ASG), 7.8.2
The attribute with the AC_SCAV condition does not mention to which AnalogeValue attribute it is refering to. I assume it is refering to all AnalogueValue attributes in the class where it is included.
Some AnalogValue attributes are 'hidden' in structures, such as in MV where a DA rangeC of bType Struct, type RangeCongig is available with a number of AnalogValues in it. (The same goes for type=Vector). I assume that DA sVC in MV is also refering to these AnalogValues.
The use of DA types SaledValueConfig, magSVC and angSVC, in CMV is not clear (following the assumtion that any AnalogValue DA needs a ScaledValueConfig DA). There are several hidden AnalogValue DA available, most of the references are 'clear' by assuming reference based upon the names (mag versus ang).
It is not clear what ScaledValueConfig DA should be used for the AnalogueValues in DA rangeC of type RangeConfig.
Please clarify to what DA any DA with the AC_SCAV condition is refering to.
Please clarify if any AnalogValue DA should have a acompianing ScaledValueConfig DA.
19 Apr 13
In Force (green)
03 Jan 13
Ballot Period
(2012-12-17, 7-3 editors call) See UML issue
For CMV.magSVC, doc should read: "Configuration for scaled value representation of magnitudes 'instCVal.mag', 'cVal.mag', 'subCVal.mag' and all AnalogValue components of 'rangeC'.".
For CMV.andSVC, doc should read: "Configuration for scaled value representation of angles 'instCVal.ang', 'cVal.ang', 'subCVal.ang', and all AnalogValue components of 'rangeAngC'.
17 Dec 12
Discussion (red)
I think we need an additional statment about some CF attributes. My proposal is, that CF attributes shall always have the sanme scaling as thevalues they relate to (e.g. a range configuration attribute shall have the same scaling as the value where the range is applied itself)
16 Oct 12
Discussion (red)
In UML, we have improved this with three new presence conditions: MFscaledAV, MFscaledMagV and MFscaledAngV. This probably resolves the tissue. MFscaledAV: Element is mandatory if any sibling elements of type AnalogueValue include 'i' as a child, otherwise forbidden. MFscaledMagV: Element is mandatory if any sibling elements of type Vector include 'i' as a child of their 'mag' attribute, otherwise forbidden. MFscaledAngV: Element is mandatory if any sibling elements of type Vector include 'i' as a child of their 'ang' attribute, otherwise forbidden.