894   Change various DPC CDCs to SPC

Created: 16 Aug 2012

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-420 (2008; DER)


Page: various

Clause: various


Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


The Common Data Classe (CDC) DPC is widely used in IEC 61850-7-420 for fast reacting controls that don't have an intermediate state.
The usage of a SPC CDC would be more appropriate.
This affects the following data objects (DO):
- DCIP.EngCtl
- DCIP.CrankCtl
- DCIP.EmgCtl
- DCIP.DiagEna
- DFCL.FuelShut
- DFCL.EmgCtl
- DCHB.BoilCtl
- MFUL.AccFuelRs
- MFUL.AccOpTmRs
- DFLV.FuelStr
- DFLV.FuelStop


Change CDC of the above mentioned DOs to SPC.
[Decided by WG 17 IEC 61850-7-420 UML Task Force]

Discussion Created Status
The logical node MFUL has been renamed to SFUL and moved to IEC 61850-7-4 Ed. 2.1 - see Tissue 1218 03 Mar 14 In Force (green)
30 Jan 14 In Force (green)
Agreed 17 Oct 13 Ballot Period


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