As per the standard
"The configuration revision number of this control block; mandatory. It is recommended to increment it by 10000 on any configuration change, to distinguish this from online configuration changes leading to an increment of 1 only"
Recomendation for invrement by 10000 is not practical. Generally online changes are temporary, so it make sense that config revision for online change should be some (strange) value, which can be observed easily.
The standard process or value for increasing the configuration is by 1 (either number or alphabet).
Generally online changes are temporary, so it make sense that config revision for online change should be some value, which can be observed easily.
But in this issue standard is not going as in the practical or real project rather going in lab test direction.
I still support Thierry and think this requirement is practical. Even by increasing each time the value by 10000 you can still do 214'000 configuration changes which is largly enough from a practical viewpoint (it is 30 changes per day over a lifetime of 20 years).
The question, how dynamic changes done online (through the IED frontpanel or through communication services) relate to chages made through configuration files and if these changes shall be allowed for real use is a different topic. There is currently a task force active dealing with system management - they will need to address details on how precisly dynamic changes shall be handled compared to static (through configuration) changes.
14 May 12
Not Applicable
The reason for recommendation is clear, there was no doubt on it. However the recommendation should be practical. e.g. Ofline change are the standard process of engineering & make sense that if your recommendation for offline changes can be made with step of 1. While dynamic changes are done online, which should be noticed or observed clearly as it may be dangerous.
Please note : Recommendation`s given by standard committee become practice & standardised over the period of time. It should be as close as practical.
14 May 12
Not Applicable
I agree with Thierrys comment except that I think it is not just a recommendation - it is a requirement
16 Apr 12
Not Applicable
The reason for the recommendation is to be able to differentiate a ConfRev incrementation due to online configuration change and a offline configuration change. Therewith, if a report control block configuration changes online it goes from for instance 1 to 2, whereas a change of offline configuration will go from 1 to 10001. Therewith, configuration 2 and 10001 that can occur within a short period of time are marked differently.
Additionally, this is just a recommendation, and is practical.