835   Enumeration for PTRC.TrMod

Created: 23 Mar 2012

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-4 (2010; Edition 2)


Page: 73, 155, 179

Clause: 5.11.23, 6


Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


According the explanation in clause 6, TrMod can have two values: "3phase" tripping or "1phs or 3phs". According the enumType definition, TrMod can have four values. Please provide an explanation in clause 6, what is meant with the additional values.

In addition, it would be nice to adjust the terminology with TrBeh - either talk about poles or about phases.


Discussion Created Status
The tissue goes back to green with opening another tissue with cat.3 to add more explanantion to phase tripping. 15 Apr 13 In Force (green)
I think additional explanations are needed as well for part 7-4 (we can not defer anything to part 7-500). E.g. "Specific" is not really an explanation for a standard. 11 Dec 12 Discussion (red)
05 Oct 12 In Force (green)
There is a need to describe the use of the different enumeration values ( for trip modes, for trip behavoirs). For example three pahse tripping doesn't make sense in a single phase system. Extent part 7-500 with some examples.

09 Jul 12 Discussion (red)
Add the following text from edition 1:
Specific means for example PTRC with 1 and 2ph and 3ph tripping possibility and first trip depending on
fault type.

For enum 1 phase tripping add the following: 1 phase tripping means only 1 phase tripping is possible.
20 Jun 12 Discussion (red)
Agreed to change terms is such a way that phase will be used when L1, L2,L3 is meant; pole should be used when CB poles are meant - will be considerd in the next amendment of part 7-4 15 Jun 12 Discussion (red)
The enum TrModKind is defined in annex G:
1 3 phase tripping
2 1 or 3 phase tripping
3 specific
4 1 phase tripping

See also Tissue #686
17 Apr 12 Discussion (red)


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