713   DO Naming of time constants in FFIL

Created: 01 Feb 2011

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-4 (2010; Edition 2)





Category: Issue may impact interoperability of implementations of Edition 2


The names of the time constants ot LN FFIL (generic filter) don't follow the rules regarding the abbreviation of the time units in CDC INx. The unit abbreviation always start with "Tm" plus the given time unit (ms, s, m, h).


Change the DO names as following:
Tm1ms --> should be: Tm1Tmms
Tm1ldms --> should be: Tm1ldTmms
Tm2ms --> should be: Tm2Tmms
Tm2ldms --> should be: Tm2ldTmms
Tm3ms --> should be: Tm3Tmms.

Discussion Created Status
15 Sep 11 In Force (green)
14 Apr 11 Ballot Period
The TF for UML modeling agreed on the first proposal. Should be changed to:
Tm1ms --> should be: Tm1Tmms
Tm1ldms --> should be: Tm1ldTmms
Tm2ms --> should be: Tm2Tmms
Tm2ldms --> should be: Tm2ldTmms
Tm3ms --> should be: Tm3Tmms.
09 Mar 11 Discussion (red)
We could change the names to KTmms1 and KLdTmms1, but to note that the instance range is for KTmms1, KTmms2, KTmms3 and for KLdTmms1, KTmms2. In future the UML model could define this range also.
03 Feb 11 Discussion (red)


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