694   Data object CmdBlk

Created: 13 Dec 2010

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-4 (2010; Edition 2)



Clause: 5.3.3


Category: Issue may impact interoperability of implementations of Edition 2


The semantic and condition of modeling of the DO CmdBlk is not clear.



Add a sentence in the semantic table 10:
If CmdBlk is modelled in LLN0 it takes effect just on controllable data objects in the LLN0 itself like LocSta, Diag, LEDRs.

Discussion Created Status
15 Sep 11 In Force (green)
From TF "UML model":
CmdBlk will be inherited by the LN from A-group (Autoamtic Control) and by LN CSWI and CSYN.
04 May 11 Ballot Period
From the discussion of the TF "UML model" in WG10:
CmdBlk do not need in LN of I-(Interfacing and Archiving) and S-group (Supervision and Monitoring). In LN of K-group (Mech. equipment) CmdBlk is needed. CmdBlk shall not be inherited by LLN0.
04 May 11 Ballot Period
09 Mar 11 Ballot Period
This means that CmdBlk shall not be inherited by LLN0. 03 Feb 11 Discussion (red)
The DO CmdBlk should be inherited by all other LN which contain commandable operations to the process. The condition C2 in the table for common LN should be changed accordingly. 03 Feb 11 Discussion (red)
The DO CmdBlk blocks just the controllable DO in the same LN (except the DO CmdBlk itself). But it may be inherited by all other LN. 01 Feb 11 Discussion (red)
You are right, the word sequence goes in the wrong direction. Should include all control models (direct, SBO). Proposal: change word sequence to commands, so the sentence will be read as: "blocking of control commands and action triggers.." 10 Jan 11 Discussion (red)
accepted. In addition, the explanation reads as: "blocking of control sequences and action triggers ..." . What is meant with "control sequences" and "action triggers"? Is a single command issued from a client considered as a control sequence? 20 Dec 10 Discussion (red)
13 Dec 10 Discussion (red)


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