49   BRCB TimeOfEntry?

Created: 15 Mar 2005

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-2 (2003)





Category: Issue may impact interoperability of implementations of Edition 1


What is the purpose of TimeOfEntry in the buffered report control block? Is it something similar to EntryID, i.E. can it be used to synchronize reports? If yes, how are the rules if both EntryID and TimeOfEntry are set?



Discussion Created Status
changed to green. The 7-2 clauses for reporting and logging can be found at ftp.sisconet.com. Username=wg10revision pw: iec61850. Passive FTP must be used for retrieval. 16 Feb 07 In Force (green)
The definition of TimeOfEntry and its interaction with EntryID is:

"The report handler assigns EntryID(s) and TimeOfEntry(s) to the values contained within a set of notifications. The number of notifications combined into a single EntryID is determined by the RCB control parameters (e.g. BufTim). The value of the EntryID is a local issue but it shall be a unique arbitrary OCTETSTRING whose value is unique within the scope of entries for a specific RCB. The value of the TimeOfEntry shall be the timestamp representing the time at which the report handler received the first notification that is used to form an EntryID."

Within the GetBRCBValues :
"The value, returned in a GetBRCBValues response, shall provide the time stamp of the EntryID whose value is exposed in the control block. The value exposed for TimeOfEntry, when the value of EntryID is zero(0), is a local issue."

Therfore, after having set the BRCB state in resync, the client is able to check if the EntryID that is set, is the one that knows, since the couple "EntryID, TimeOfEntry" will always be unique during the whole lifetime of an IED (and of its replace part if a replacement should occur)
13 Dec 06 Ballot Period
Based upon some comments on the proposed text, the TimeOfEntry parameter value of the BRCB was not available in the GetBRCBValues Response+. Fixed text to allow any BRCB attribute to be returned.

New text posted is "EntryID and TimeOfEntry 20061025.doc"
25 Oct 06 Discussion (red)
Attached is the proposed revised text that clarifies EntryID and TimeOfEntry. This resolves other tissues (Tissue 190).

Based upon this resolution of Tissue 190, there is not need to change the TimeOfEntry data type.

Such a change would only cause incompatibility.

Propose to change this tissue to Blue.
18 Oct 06 Discussion (red)
In the BRCB, TimeOfEntry is only used as an additional information related to the EntryID to make it unique over the complete lifetime (EntryID may be reused if the value overrun).
The 2 values can not indivudually be changed in the report control block.
The same issue is also for the logging model.
A final proposal will be provided by KH. Schwarz and G. Schimmel.
01 Apr 05 Discussion (red)


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