275   Confusing statement on GI usage

Created: 20 Dec 2005

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-2 (2003)


Page: 088


Paragraph: 1

Category: Issue may impact interoperability of implementations of Edition 1


IEC-61850-7.2 Clause - General Interrogation GI:
"...After setting the attribute GI to TRUE the BRCB shall start the interrogation process and create a report that includes all DataAttribute values of the referenced DATA-SET. After initiation of the interrogation process the BRCB shall automatically set the value of GI to FALSE. If the TrgOp ( = general-interrogation) is FALSE then no INTEGRITY report should be issued".

The last sentence is wrong.


Remove the last sentence: "If the TrgOp... no INTEGRITY report should be issued".
Note that there is no TrgOp filtering value GI, only a trigger cause in the report.

Discussion Created Status
changed to green. The 7-2 clauses for reporting and logging can be found at ftp.sisconet.com. Username=wg10revision pw: iec61850. Passive FTP must be used for retrieval. 16 Feb 07 In Force (green)
See TISSUE 453 for revised model.
The GI state machine clarifies the GI.
14 Dec 06 Ballot Period
Fixed text to allow TrgOps.GI to be defaulted to TRUE by the server. Additionally, added text to get Response- if a GI is attempted when TrgOps.GI = FALSE.

Attachment shows revised text of tissue 49 and 275.

"GI changes 20061025.doc"
25 Oct 06 Discussion (red)
Why do you need a TrgOp to suppress GI reports? If a client does not want GI reports, he does not trigger them! If he triggers a GI and does not get the reports, it can be very confusing. 16 Feb 06 Discussion (red)
We agree that the last sentence is wrong; it should read as If the TrgOp (=genral-interrogation) is FALSE, then no GI report shall be issued.

Note that general-interrogation and integrity in TrgOps in the BRCB shall be used to enable GIs and integrity reports.
14 Feb 06 Discussion (red)


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