1894   Is valKind = Conf allowed on Mandatory DAI

Created: 07 Nov 2023

Status: Discussion (red)

Part: Part 6 (2019; Edition 2.1)


Page: Table 46

Clause: 9.5.4



What are the consequences of setting valKind=Conf on mandatory DataAttribute of an object?
That leads potentially to the eclipse of a DO.


Clarify usage of valKind = Conf for mandatory DAs.

Discussion Created Status
valKind = conf is no longer useful and should be eliminated from the standard for ICD and SCD files 13 Nov 23 Discussion (red)
Mandatory DOs/DAs have been defined so that they are available on the interface.
As long as there is no standardized interface to get an SCL file from a device, there is no way after the device has been configured to get the "hidden" values.
valKind="conf" was historically introduced to be able to expose floating points values in device implementing CPU without FPUs.
Part 6 needs to restrict valKind = conf to very limited use cases.
13 Nov 23 Discussion (red)
Currently, part 6 do not indicates any limitation for the valKind=Conf, and testing procedure sMdl1 checks only SCL datamodel, so it could be actually possible to make a mandatory DA invisible in the online datamodel which may be unexpected by client devices. 07 Nov 23 Discussion (red)
clarification is required 07 Nov 23 Accepted


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