1600   Alarm settings in MHAI/MHAN

Created: 11 Oct 2017

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 7-4 (2010; Edition 2)

Links: #1601 Alarm settings in QVHA

Page: 53-54

Clause: 5.10.4, 5.10.5


Category: Issue for edition 3 of this part


There are exist some alarm settings in MHAI/MHAN logical nodes as ThdAVal, ThdVVal, ThdATmms, ThdVTmms, but no status attributes to report when THD level exceeds pick up value defined by theese attributes. Also, if looking at rest logical nodes in M category there is no logical nodes that provide some post analysis of values, just measuring.


Move the ThdAVal, ThdVVal, ThdATmms, ThdVTmms atributes to QVHA logical node defined in 90-17, that intended for alarming when harmonic quota violated. Additionaly, it is neccessary to add in QVHA attribute AffPhs(Affected Phase) to indicate which phase has a problem.

Discussion Created Status
The tissue will discussed within part TR 61850-90-17. 08 Dec 17 Not Applicable
Interesting and valid proposal. Unfortunately, it is not possible to move these DO in the current (draft) version of part7-4 (2.1) to QVHA. But these data could be added to QVHA in namespace of TR90-17 by a tissue. In future edition of part 7-4 (ed.3) the settings ThdAVal, ThdVVal, ThdATmms, ThdVTmms in MHAI/MHAN shall be deprecated.

I suggest to repeat this proposal (#1600) in tissue section of 90-17.
17 Oct 17 Discussion (red)


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