1587 Add a optional scl:srcAPRef to scl:ExtRef as a prefered AccessPointCreated: 14 Jun 2017 Status: Discussion (red) Part: Part 6 (2009-12; Edition 2) Links: Page: 86 Clause: 9.3.13 Paragraph: 9 Category: No impact on this part Issue When the stack or tools to parse and decode scl:ExtRef (a piece of signal flow between subscriber(client LN) and publisher(server LN)), There is possible one case in which scl:ExtRef can NOT deduce the Server LN when One IED has two AccessPoints, each of which has the same LDInst, the same LN(prefix+lnClass+inst), and the same CB Name.
Proposal Add a optional scl:srcAPRef to scl:ExtRef as a prefered AccessPoint
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