1577   data attribute namespace in SCL

Created: 03 Apr 2017

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 7-2 (2010; Edition 2)

Links: #1578 dataAttribute NameSpace content

Page: 54

Clause: Table 20

Paragraph: Row EX

Category: No impact on this part


It is not clear that all attributes with functional constraint "EX" shall have an associated <Val> element on the SCL file. The explanation column states "Value of the DataAttribute shall be as configured; value shall be non-volatile."
The first sentence does NOT clearly state that a <Val> element is needed.
The second statement is misleading because FC=EX are read-only


Change explanation column to "Value of the DataAttribute shall be as specified in the <Val> element of the SCL file. System Configuration Tools shall not alter FC=EX <Val> elements."

Discussion Created Status
For Edition 2.0 table 20 is in 7-2. However, both 7-2 and 7-3 define the data model and are independent from SCL, therefore mentioning SCL here makes standard maintenance more complex. Further, part 6 SICS demands (I13 / I14) already that the values of name space related attributes shall be in the ICD / IID file. It is up to the ICT to define what is the source of the value: the IED /ICT (meaning valKind=RO, valImport=FALSE in ICD / IID file) or the system engineer (e.g. in case of flexible user defined models). 06 Apr 17 Not Applicable
This is a 7-3 Issue. 03 Apr 17 Not Applicable


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