1471   Dis-allow empty DOType

Created: 20 Jan 2016

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 6 (2009-12; Edition 2)


Page: 128

Clause: A.3

Paragraph: tDOType

Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


Constraint on count of SDO / DA elements within a DOType element in schema differs from text in Clause 9.5.3.
9.5.3: minOccurs=1
A.3 : minOccurs=0

Schema thus allows: <DOType cdc="MyCDC"></DOType>
(in other words, a type with no content which results in an illegal empty structure)

(Note: this same error appears in Ed1 and Ed2 and (draft)Ed2.1 schemas)


Change SCL_DataTypeTemplates.xsd for tDOType (choice) from

Discussion Created Status
19 May 16 In Force (green)
[According to WG10 decision taken in Cathedral City]
Keep 0..n SDO/DO in a DOType
- 0: only allowed for specification; interpretation = at least the mandatory SDO/DA.
- For DOType used in LN instances, shall be at least 1
Note: a specification can still define the LN contents down to the DA.

Thus, no change to SCL, update Part 6 Ed. 2.1 (fix min cardinality, add rules mentioned above).

Applicable for Amd 2.1.
25 Feb 16 Ballot Period
In principle accepted to harmonize 9.5.3 to the schema.
The SCL syntax (schema) is valid for all kinds of SCL files, and for SED and SSD files it is valid to leave a DOType definition empty. Therefore the 9.5.3 extract will be adapted (minOccurs=0) and a note added that for SCD and ICD files there shall be at least one element inside.
27 Jan 16 Discussion (red)


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