1446   ConfReportControl and a fixed ReportSettings

Created: 08 Oct 2015

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 6 (2009-12; Edition 2)

Links: #1445 ConfReportControl and a fixed ReportSettings

Page: table 11



Category: No impact on this part


During the IOP test (SCL_ABB_ALSTOM.doc) it was not clear how the SCT should handle an ICD file with conflicting capabilities: ConfReportControl is present and one of the ReportSettings is fixed (e.g. cbName, datSet). In case the SCT adds a report control block it does not know what the fixed value should be.
We see 3 possible solutions:
1) the ConfReportControl dominates over ReportSettings
2) the ReportSettings dominates the ConfReportControl
3) such combination of capabilities is not allowed and shall be prohibited (fail the server conformance test)

The same issue applies also to GOOSE, SV and LOG control blocks control blocks.


Option 3) a combination of ConfReportControl and a fixed ReportSettings shall be prohibited (the ConfReportControl shall be removed)

Same for GOOSE, SV and LOG control blocks.

Discussion Created Status
Duplicate TISSUE with 1445. 12 Oct 15 Not Applicable


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