During preparation of SICS documents for tools some SICS features are identified to be not specific enough defined.
Based on that specification it is impossible to prepare detailed test procedures or to prepare the related engineering tools to support the feature.
The system tool features S15, S31, S32, S35, S36 , S61, S62, S71, S72, S73 and the IED tool features I15 and I16 should be changed to be more specific.
S15 definition is not clear:
The SCT must be able to import ICD files from version 2003 and 2007 and IID files from version 2007 (IID definition not existing in Edition 1).
Proposal for S15 definition:
Import up to current SCL version and revision -> Mandatory!
S31 definition is not clear.
In the SICS statement is not clear what kind of control blocks are meant.
SCT shall support the configuration of “Reporting”, “Sample Values”, “GOOSE” and “Logs”.
Proposal for S31 definition:
Configure control blocks for all types of dataflow related control bocks (2007B: ReportControl, GSEControl, SampledValueControl, LogControl).
The same applies for S32, S35, S36.
S61 and S62 shall not be defined as a group (GC_1(1)):
Proposal for S61 definition:
Previous version(s) export -> Optional
Proposal for S62 definition:
Current version export -> Mandatory
S71 and S72 shall not be defined as a group (GC_1(2)):
Proposal for S71 definition:
Previous version(s) import -> Mandatory
Proposal for S72 definition:
Current version import -> Mandatory
S73 can be removed!
I15 and I16 shall not be in a group (GC_1(2)):
Proposal for I15 definition:
Previous version(s) export -> Optional
Proposal for I16 definition:
Current version export -> Mandatory.
17 Apr 15
In Force (green)
Minor fixes to proposal, see attachement "SICS Proposal_Rev3b.docx"
18 Mar 15
Ballot Period
For Edition 2 only the misunderstandings / findings from the first usage of the SICS shall be handled. Everything else may be discussed for Edition 3.
See attached rev3 as final proposal
17 Mar 15
Ballot Period
I can agree with:
S15 - support SCL versions up to the version x revision y release z declared by the tool. M.
S31 - I would split in S31 into several: S310 - Report, S311 Goose, S312 SaV, S313 LCB, S314 Log, S316 R-GOOSE, S317 R-SaV
S32 - same - S320, S321, ...
S35 - M - manage control block confRev for all supported Control Block - see S31
S36 - M - Allocate destination for supported Control Block
S61 - 2003 should be supported , otherwise no mixed Ed1 Ed2 configuration possible. ICT Ed1 will not support Ed2 SCD import.
S62 - supported / declared version, revision, release M
S71 - SCL 2003 - M
S72 - up to supproted / declare version, revision, release - M
s73 - removed, BUT, SED Import must include a capability of importing future SCL version.
I15 - Version 2003 Export - M - for backward compatibility with system.
I16 - Declared / supported version,revision, relase - M
A single tissue is problematical, as several aspects are being covered here.
09 Mar 15
Discussion (red)
I have some comments on this proposal.
In general, configurator tool shall be able to import all previous version and revision (2003 and 2007A revision yet). Version and revision have to be mentioned in all conformance statement to be clear on this point.
For S63 and S73 on capability to "import/export future version, it's future revision and not version and so statement could be present with comment: "if revision exists".
There are also some minors issues on confRev and clients for LogControl for S35 and S36.
Find in attachment, my comment on SICS proposal document attached.