(SCL_BaseSimpleTypes.xsd) posted to WG10 web site has wrong length constraint on tMessageID (maxLength is 129).
Comments in history.2007B.txt show:
CF 2010/08/25:
- SCL_BaseSimpleTypes.xsd: added new simple type "tMessageID", a restriction of "tVisibleBasicLatin" with min 1 and max 128 characters.
which seems correct.
This affects ReportControl@rptID and GSEControl@appID and SampledValueControl@smvID
Not accepted.
IEC 61850-7-2 defines
- RptID as a Visible String 129 (Table 37)
- GoID as a Visible String 129 (Table 42)
- MsvID as a Visible String 129 (Table 44)
- UsvID as a Visible String 129 (Table 45).
Therefore the maxLength value="129" is correct in tMessageID.