1268   Assigment of single CDC to DOclass

Created: 23 May 2014

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-1 (2011; Edition 2)



Clause: 13.1

Paragraph: 4

Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


In chapter 13.1 is described that in different namespaces it is allowed to use the same DOname with different CDC. The mentioned example is DOname Pos (DPC) in 7-4, but WNAC.Pos (MV). This is not correct anymore. In the uML TF we try to harmonize the usage of DOclasses with only one CDC-type. Also WNAC.Pos doesn't exist in the current version.


Skip the complete paragraph. Add a new paragraph to describe the rule of modelling DOclasses with unique CDC.

Discussion Created Status
08 Mar 16 In Force (green)
Agreed to remove WNAC.Pos.
It has been agreed by the editors that a DO, e.g. Pos, semantic = Circuit breaker/switch position, CDC=DPC) cannot be redefined by another namespace that is based on SA domain namespace (7-4). If this other namespace is not based on SA domain namespace (7-4), e.g. a completely new domain (independent of SA), it could redefine the DO Pos and XCBR as well. A comprehensive set of rules will be added in 7-1 to clarify the dependencies between the IEC 61850 related namespaces in order to allow independent evolution of the domain application namespaces. Meanwhile, see the presentation attached.
15 Jan 16 Ballot Period
16 Jul 15 Ballot Period
Agreed to remove WNAC.Pos
However, further explanation are required about the fact that DOclasses with only one CDC-type shall be used for the name spaces concept allows having such DOclasses.
23 May 14 Discussion (red)


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