In the restriction for the IED name is written.
*) The IED name shall be unique within the SCL file
For me it is not clear what is meaning of "unique"?
The IED-Names "IED1" and "IED2" are different, that ist clear, but are the same name written in different letter (upper case vs. lower case) also different?
for example: The first IED has the name "IED1" the second IED inside the substation has the name "ied1". Is this allowed? The names are different !
Please clear this item !
31 Jan 14
Not Applicable
xs:Name (type of IED name) is case sensitive - therefore ied1 and IED1 are different, and I agree with Christian thus allowed.
30 Jan 14
IED1 and ied1 are different and are thus allowed.
However this is very bad practice and should be avoided.