The location of the schema to be used with an SCL file is not standardized.
Three versions of SCL files exist:
1. Without any xsi:schemaLocation specification
2. schemaLocation specifying "SCL.XSD"
3. SchemaLocation containing a file path valid only on one computer
There are no guidelines on the presense of the pathname for various use cases during SAS development.
In some system, the schemaLocation is entirely ignored. However in cases where it is not ignored, specification other than "SCL.XSD" only hinders tool interoperability.
For interchange from System Specification Tool (SST) or IED Configuration Tool (ICT) {ICD file} to System Comfiguration Tool (SCT), SCL files shall specify schemaLocation of SCL.xsd
For interchange from SCT to ICT or SCT to SST, the schemaLocation may specify a file path to SCL.xsd
In every case should a file contain a xsi:schemaLocation specification
Nothing to do in part 6, see comment below.
17 Apr 14
Not Applicable
As discussed in TC57WG10 meeting, having a standardized xsi:location can not be achieved.
The attribute xsi:location can not be mandatory neither.
Any SCL compliant tool should first read the SCL header in order to determine which schema to use for performing the validation of the SCL file.
The SCL element in the SCL file informs the version of the schema to use.