1131   Using substation naming and IED naming as a mixed naming.

Created: 06 Jun 2013

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 6 (2009-12; Edition 2)



Clause: 6.2, 6.3


Category: No impact on this part


Clause 6.2, 'The substation naming' and clause 6.3 'The produce (IED) model' describe two naming conventions.

SCL element attribute <LDevice ldName='somename'...> is the discriminator between the two conventions. If attribute ldName is not supplied product (IED) naming convention is assumed, if the attribute is available funtion naming convention is assumed.

The full XML path for the attribute is SCL.IED.AccesPoint.Server.LDevice

There can be more than one IEC element specified in one file.
There can be more than one Accesspoint element in an IED element.
There is one Server element in an AccessPoint element..
There can be more than one LDevice element in a Server element.
LN are defined in the LDevice element.

Conclusion: since it is possible to have several LDevice elements it is also possible to have one LDevice element wihout the ldName attribute and one LDevice with the ldName attribute resulting in an IED with mixed naming conventions.

Is this intentional?


Please clarify.

The UCA has defined a test on naming conventions (sCnf7) and if performed strictly as described above an mixed model is accepted.

Discussion Created Status
Yes, this is intentional.Although the ldName could be used for functional naming, I would prefer to call it 'communication related naming', because it defines what LD name is used in the communication protocol.Beneath functional naming this can also be used for replacement of IEDs by another IED mirroring the same communciation level naming as the old IED. In this case having a mixed approach is preferable. At the end this is just a way to define the communication level LD name: either explicitly or, of no explicit name is given, implicitly as concatenation of IED name and LDinst part. 07 Jun 13 Not Applicable


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