1119 Differens between locally used data and data sent to remote for PDIFCreated: 25 Apr 2013 Status: Not Applicable Part: Part 7-4 (2010; Edition 2) Links: Page: 84 ff Clause: 5.13.9 Paragraph: Category: No impact on this part Issue For RMXU it is stated that "The local RMXU is therefore the source of synchronized samples or phasors from the local current sensor, which sends its information to the local PDIF and to all required remote PDIF nodes." For line differential functions at 1 1/2 breaker system this might not be true. Due to limitations in communication bandwidth it might be so that the current information from the two CT are fed separately to the local PDIF while the current inforamtion transmitted to remote end is the sum of the current information from the two CT. In this case it is needed to use two RXMU for the local handling of current and a third for the handling of current to be sent to remote. Proposal RMXU should only handle current values which are sent to the remote end. Local current values can be handled by normal MMXU.
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