Created: 26 Feb 2013
Status: In Force (green)
Part: Part 7-4 (2010; Edition 2)
Page: several
Clause: several
Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part
In the abbreviation consolidation effort across all 4 WGs developing 61850, the UML TF came to conclusion that some DOs need to be renamed.
1-(CommonLN / StatisticsLN).ClcNxTmms -> ClcNxtTmms ("Nx" -> "Nxt")
2-(LTIM).TmDT, TmUseDT -> TmDst, TmUseDst (add abbreviation "Dst: Daylight saving time")
3-(LTIM).TmChgDayTm, TmChgStdTm -> TmChgDay, TmChgStd (remove duplicate "Tm")
4-(FFIL).Tm1ldTmms, Tm2ldTmms -> Tm1LdTmms, Tm2LdTmms ("l" -> "L", Ld = lead)
5-(ISAF).AlmReset -> AmlRs ("Reset" -> "Rs")
6-(ITPC).GrdRxCmdRx -> GrdRxCmd (remove duplicate "Rx")
7-(MHAI).HKf -> HKFact ("Kf" -> "K" + "Fact")
8-(MHAN).HaTiFact -> HaTif ("TiFact" -> "Tif" = telephone influence factor)
9-(PowerQualityLN / all of Qxxx LNs).VarStr, VarEnd -> VaStr, VaEnd ("Var" -> "Va")
10-(TWPH).H2OPhSv -> H2OPHSv ("Ph" -> "PH")
11-(YPTR).OvlTEmg, OvlTEmgSpt -> OvlTmEmg, OvlTmEmgSpt ("T" -> "Tm")
12-(ZBSH).DisplA -> DspA ("Displ" -> "Dsp")
13-(ZTCF).PwrFrq -> PwrHz ("Frq" -> "Hz")
14-(ZSMC)FldAmpRtgO -> FldAmpRtgZer (upper case "o" -> "Zer")
15-(MENV).CO2Ems, COEms, NOxEms, SOxEms -> CO2Em, COEm, NOxEm, SOxEm ("Ems" -> "Em")