941   Functional constraint of DataAttribute for reports

Created: 09 Nov 2012

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 7-2 (2003)


Page: 48



Category: No impact on this part


According to the standard,it is written that "ST Status information - DataAttribute shall represent a status information whose value may be read, substituted, reported, and logged but shall not be written" and "MX Measurands (analogue values) - DataAttribute shall represent a measurand information whose value may be read, substituted, reported, and logged but shall not be written". DataAttributes with other FC is not written that it may be reported, and loged. So, can be it (dataAttributes with other FC) included in the report?



Discussion Created Status
In principle you can include attributes with any FC into a report or log data set, however not all will create an event on a value change, i.e. support spontaneous reporting. Part 7-3 defines which attributes can do this and when, due to the assigned trigger option. In Edition 1 this was only allowed for attributes with FC=ST and MX, for Edition 2 also attributes with FC=CF and SP have been added. 09 Nov 12 Not Applicable


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