587   INT128 Range is not usable

Created: 14 Dec 2007

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 8-1 (2004)


Page: 33

Clause: 8.1.1


Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


The range of the INT128 is not usable by clients/servers. Most OS(s) don't provide a mechanism for representing such a number.


Change the INT128 range to be the range of INT64.

Discussion Created Status
WG10 Meeting - Fredericia.
Accepted to remove the INT128 and replace it with INT64.
27 Feb 08 In Force (green)
The main issue is that INT32 does not have enough range for some applications. INT128 is to large and not usable. The issue, for ARM is the writing of the data.

It is possible to have a MMS DataType of INT64, but the implementation could send values in the INT32 range only.
21 Dec 07 Triage
This issue is already reported as #580 and #582, where INT32 was first proposed instead, being a wide-compatible solution.
An INT64 would not be convenient for some micro-systems (like little ARM CPU).
Some existing Edition-1 implementations already treat the INT128 internally as an INT32, be carefull about backward compatibility.
21 Dec 07 Triage


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