549   the name of TimeActivatedOperate in 61850-7-2 is not the same to TimeActivation of 61850-8-1

Created: 04 Oct 2007

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 7-2 (2003)


Page: 139

Clause: 17.1

Paragraph: 5

Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


In the clause 17.1 of IEC61850-7-2, it is said the control model defines the following servies:......TimeActivatedOperate(TimOper),but in Clause of IEC61850-8-1, the title is Control with TimeActivation. they are not the same. And in test report of IEC61850 , at the conformace block 12a, 12b,12c, 12d of table A.4.2 (Test procedures per conformance block), the third column use the name of TimerActivatedControl, in some SCL files at the section of IED servies, it does also use TimerActivatedControl. So they are not same, if different manufacture using different service name, then the interoperability will be bad.


I think using one service name will do good to IEC61850, we can use TimeActivatedOperate.

Discussion Created Status

The service should be TimeActivatedOperate all over.

Needs to be changed in:

- Table 75
- Control with TimeActivation
- Control with TimeActivation

Test Report (Which document do you refer to?)
- ??

Part 10:
- DOes3
- DOes4
17 Feb 08 Discussion (red)


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