355   maintenance syntax

Created: 03 Aug 2006

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 6 (2004)


Page: 126

Clause: C.2


Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


Maintenance syntax does not match schema definition.
1. schema specifies first letter of mop is lowercase whereas part 7-3 has these as upper case (example=GC_1)
2. There is no enforcement of the rule "Private conditions shall start with an E."

Also, the schema is designed so that instance file need mixed namespace qualifications of the attributes of the CondDesc element (mop requires qualification, desc requires no qualification)


1.Re-define type tModEnum to include all enums from part 7-3 (example GC_1). Note that this change will require that future changes in 7-3 enums are added to the SCL
2. Change definition of tExtensionMopEnum to be a name string beginning with "E" and containing at least one more letter/digit/underscore
3. Re-declare attribute mop in CondDesc from 'ref="mop"' to 'name="mop" type="tMop"'

Discussion Created Status
WG10 decision Arnhem 06-10-20: the maintenance schema will stay and be enhanced to fully describe all LN and CDC tables (7-3, 7-4, future application areas) in such a way that also automatic data model verification is supported. 25 Oct 06 In Force (green)
I support the final proposal to remove the maintenance schema from part 6 edition2. 26 Sep 06 Ballot Period
As there is currently no application for this schema extension, it will be removed completely from part 6. 26 Sep 06 Ballot Period


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