347   Same member notification in BRCB

Created: 21 Jul 2006

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 7-2 (2003)


Page: 078

Clause: 14.2.2


Category: No impact on this part


The first sentence in the third paragraph reads "In the case where a second internal notification of the same member of a DATA-SET has occured prior to the expiration of BufTm, the BRCB shall for status information behave as if BufTm has expired and immediately send the report, restart the timer with BufTm and process the second condition; or ...".

This is not necessary, if EntryData of the report (see table 24) includes DataRef resp. DataAttrRef (if data-reference = TRUE in optFlds) and all data in the report are identified by DataRef.


Allowing "buffered" status events from the same member in DATA-SET within BufTm avoids sending a report for each change of the member, especially if the change rate is fast.

Discussion Created Status
Turned to blue.
No change required. Changing it would create HUGE interoperability issues.
14 Dec 06 Not Applicable
Recommend no change. Final Proposal is to change to Blue. 16 Oct 06 Ballot Period
I agree that no change should be made. 14 Sep 06 Discussion (red)
But having different buffering and with this also timing behavior for different message layout configurations makes understanding of the system behavior more complex. Therefore I recommend to leave this as it is. 08 Aug 06 Discussion (red)


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