297   Sequence number

Created: 27 Feb 2006

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-2 (2003)


Page: 080



Category: Issue may impact interoperability of implementations of Edition 1


The clause in IEC 61850 part 7-2 indicates that the attribute SqNum shall specify the sequence number for each BRCB that has report enable set to TRUE and the first report following the setting of the report enable to TRUE shall contain sequence number 0.

On the other hand, the clause in the same part of the standard, indicates that if the association between a client and a server is lost, the BRCB reserved by the client shall continue to buffer internal events, so after the client has established a new association, he will set the attribute RptEna to enabled so following that, the BRCB shall continue sending the reports stored in the buffer over the association over which the attribute has been set to enabled.

In this situation, according to our understanding, SERVERs have to start sending the stored reports with the sequence number 0 in the first report following the clause where is said that the BRCB that has report enable set to TRUE shall maintain the parameter SqNum and this number shall be incremented by the BRCB for each report generated and sent on the basis of the BRCB.

Is this correct?, or on the contrary the stored reports should be sent with the sequence number used in the moment of its generation, so only the first new report generated after enabling the BRCB should contain the sequence number 0?



Discussion Created Status
changed to green. The 7-2 clauses for reporting and logging ( Edition 1) can be found at ftp.sisconet.com. Username=wg10revision pw: iec61850. Passive FTP must be used for retrieval. 16 Feb 07 In Force (green)
Editor meeting Livonia - December 14th. Change to interop category 14 Dec 06 Ballot Period
See Tissue 453 for revised chapter
Definition of SqNum :

"The BRCB that has report enable set to TRUE shall maintain the parameter SqNum. This number shall be incremented by the BRCB for each report generated and sent on the basis of the BRCB. The increment shall occur once the BRCB has formatted the report for transmission. The first report following the setting of the report enable to TRUE shall contain sequence number 0. The sequence number shall roll over to 0 at its maximal value."
13 Dec 06 Ballot Period


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