1669   Incorrect example of header

Created: 13 Jan 2020

Status: Future Improvement

Part: Part 6 (2019; Edition 2.1)


Page: 52

Clause: 9.1

Paragraph: 1


There is incorrect example of a header without history. The example looks like header has complex content, but according to SCL_BaseTypes.xsd header has just complex type.


To delete "My SA Project" from example.

Correct version of example according to current SCL Schema:
(<Header id="1KHL1000546" version="1" revision="" toolId="mySystemTool V1.2"/>)

Discussion Created Status
Agree Future Improvement 23 Mar 20 Future Improvement
Agree to update the example to be correct regarding the schema.

It is not an interop tissue. to be integrated in the next version of the part
03 Feb 20 Approval (Future Improvement)


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