1642   Is SwTyp a status on XSWI?

Created: 17 Jan 2019

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 7-4 (2010; Edition 2)


Page: 106

Clause: 5.16.3


Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


SwTyp is the 'Switch type' on a XSWI, it could be:
* Load break switch
* Disconnector
* Earthing switch
* High speed earthing switch

My question is regard the common dada class ENS meaning it's a runtime status. Could a switch of one kind (e.g. Load break switch) become a switch of another kind (e.g. High speed earthing switch)?


Could we use ENG as common data class to better describe it as a setting?

Discussion Created Status
I am not sure about it. It is possible to reconfigure a wired external equipment from Load break to an earthing switch? That would be the meaning of a setting. If you change the topology in the bay, you change the configuration file. If you mean a three-position switch (on, off, earthed) you should model more than a single instance of the LN. 01 Feb 19 Not Applicable


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