1611   Error in AdditionalCauseDiagnosis

Created: 09 Jan 2018

Status: Triage

Part: Part 8-1 (2011; Edition 2)


Page: 112

Clause: 20.11


Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


IHMO, Error field in AdditionalCauseDiagnosis is not 100% clear.

What Error must be used when the negative acknowledgement IS ISSUED by negative test results within the control state machine, for example operating a control without selecting it for SBOes control model?
"NoError" and "Unknown" are used when the negative acknowledgement IS NOT ISSUED by negative test results within the control state machine and "TimeOut Test Not OK"/"Operate Test Not OK" are reserved only for TEST=TRUE.

Perhaps, as the first sentence of the paragraph is "The default value shall be No Error (0)", all conditions not explicitly expressed in page 122 are considered "No Error", so the answer to my question would be Error="No Error"?

Therefore, am I right if I afirm that, if no internal error are occurred in a device and TimeActivated is not available:
- All control performed with TEST=FALSE and with negative ack will use Error="No Error"?
- All control performed with TEST=TRUE and with negative ack will use Error="Operative Test Not OK"?

Thanks in advance.


If I am not right, I would suggest adding a table to the standard mapping "AddCause" with the corresponding "Error" if possible to clarify all the possible situations.
Test Procedures do not always (almost never) clarify what "Error" must be used and it depends on the oerson from the Certification Lab if it is checked and passed or not. I also suggest adding the expected "Error" in all test cases in the Test Procedures to assure equanimity in tests and improve interoperability.

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