1497   Is SGCB.ResvTms timing exposed? e.g.: what is the value of a half-run ResvTms attribute?

Created: 26 May 2016

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 7-2 (2010; Edition 2)





Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


Is SGCB.ResvTms timing exposed? e.g.: what is the value of a half-run ResvTms attribute?
for example:
step1. config ResvTms = 10s and launch IED;
step2. client send request SelectEditSG and wait for 6s;
step3. client send request GetSGCBValues(ResvTms);
what is the expected value from GetSGCBValues,
the remaining time of 4s?
still 10s?

section does not clarify that.


It would be nice to have the ResvTms timing process exposed on-line, in case any client wants to see the remaining time. for example, SGCB is reserved for 60s to ClientA, who is already aware of the expiration time duration by GetSGCBValues(ResvTms) from the beginning of timing, while ClientB is not aware but wants to be, in that case on-line visible ResvTms timing process would help.

Discussion Created Status
The countdown value does not need to be exposed. Better that the expected configuration is visible. 30 Jun 16 Not Applicable
Important for interoperability is that upon expiration of the reservation, the ResvTms value shall be locally set to a value of zero (0), i.e. as long as positive then it is reserved.

This is an implementation choice to expose the countdown or not - at the end, the client knows that the resource will be released after a maximal duration of the value exposed by ResvTms.
26 May 16 Discussion (red)


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