1381   Definition

Created: 27 Apr 2015

Status: Future Improvement

Part: Part 7-4 (2010; Edition 2)

Links: #680 SI unit for MHYD.Cndct


Clause: 6


Category: Issue for edition 3 of this part


Cndct: Electrical conductivity of water in S/cm2.


The definition is too restrictive and should be applicable for other materials.

Discussion Created Status
Change the status to on hold because it will can be discussed for ed.3 16 Jul 15 Future Improvement
Use S/m , not S/m2 as in tissue#680 agreed. 28 Apr 15 Discussion (red)
Use S/m2, not cm2 28 Apr 15 Discussion (red)
This DO belongs to LN MHYD (hydrological information) and is clearly specified for this domain.
If we need such a DO (electrical conductivity) for other materials (in another LN) we would need an example how to use it.
Please provide an example.
27 Apr 15 Discussion (red)


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