1362   Impact of range specified by minVal, maxVal

Created: 13 Mar 2015

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 7-3 (2010; Edition 2)

Links: #1319 AddCause for control value Out-of-range

Page: 59

Clause: 8 Data attribute semantic

Paragraph: Table 64

Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


The range of configurable values are given by two attributes:

maxVal Defines together with minVal the setting range for ctlVal (CDC INC, BSC, ISC), setVal (CDC ING) or setMag (CDC APC, ASG).

minVal Defines together with maxVal the setting range for ctlVal (CDC INC, BSC, ISC), setVal (CDC ING) or setMag (CDC APC, ASG).

It is not defined what happens if the values ctlVal, setVal or setMag are outside of the setting range.

For measured values we have out-of-range quality information. For settings we should define, that a value of ctlVal, setVal or setMag SHALL be always within the setting range.


@part 6:
During system engineering and IED configuration it is the responsibility of the tool (engineer) to prevent a value outside.

@part 3:
values for ctlVal, setVal or setMag SHALL be always within the setting range.

In case of online overwriting any of these values, the server shall reject any value outside the setting range.

Discussion Created Status
1. For online changes, if a Client tries to set a value outside the range, a negative Response with ServiceError parameter-value-inconsistent (in case of a setting) or addCause inconsistent-parameters (for control value) shall be returned

the isssue is already handled - no Change required

2. For changes through Initial configuration from an SCD file:

This is out of the scope for IEC 61850-7-3 and in principle out of the scope of IEC 61850. It is a tool design issue, how the tool indicates inconsistent configurations in an SCD file.
24 Apr 15 Not Applicable
Controllable CDCs are out of scope of engineering tool consideration, as ctlVal can not be set offline.
ICT at SCD import verify/validates the value provided by the SCT for all Setting CDCs (SPG, ING, ENG, VSG, TSG, CUG, ASG, CSG) and take over the value supported by the application.
ICT can verify/validate the values set by the ICT user.
In the online model,
- the setDataValue/setEditSGValue.resp- already have the serviceError : parameter-value-inconsistent
- the control addCause has already been taken care of with tissue 1319
07 Apr 15 Discussion (red)


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